Membership Benefits
Queensland Telugu Association (QTA) is a registered Incorporation Association (IA36458) registered in Queensland whose main objective is to “Maintain and Promote Telugu Culture, Literature and Tradition among Telugu speaking people in Queensland”.
Queensland Telugu Assocation organizes various events, programs, sessions, gatherings etc. in achieving its objectives. QTA has been serving the community for nearly 14 years (as of 2022) and has been a very reputable organization. We run the organization entirely from sponsorships from the businesses and memberships during the events.
We once again take this opportunity to thank all our Sponsors, Life Members, Yearly members from the bottom of our hearts for supporting us financially and mainly for the trust they keep on QTA.

Please see few of our programs which we conduct every year:
- We conduct Ganesh Chaturdhi around August/September
- We conduct two flagship events every calendar year which are
– Ugadhi & Sri Ramavami celebrations around April AND
– Dasara & Deepavali celebrations around November
- We conduct Karthika Vana Bhojanalu and Xmas lunches. We distribute free presents to kids from Santa, even for non-members!
- We conduct Vidyarthi Nestham twice a year – An informative and networking event aimed for international students to share knowledge around various topics
- We conduct catchups and informative sessions for Women through our newly created QTA Women’s Group
- You can avail some *discounts from the QTA sponsors
- We provide dais for local kids and enthusiasts to showcase their talents at our events
- We are running Telugu Badi, an initiation to promote Telugu language skills among children born and brought up overseas
- We encourage all new migrants to volunteer at our events and provide them with Voluntary Certificates which could help them in their future job prospects
- We also provide JP services through our network of JPs in the Telugu community
- We are members of Federation of Indian Communities Queensland (FICQ) and Federation of Telugu Associations of Australia (FTAA)
- When needed we submit official representations on behalf of the Telugu Community in Queensland to various government authorities such as community services, local council, DV services, Qld police, Home affairs etc.
- We keep all our members always informed with upcoming community events, notifications and useful information. And many more…
We request you to take up membership with QTA and support us to serve
the community in better and more committed way.
A membership gives you following benefits:
Free entry for most of the events, sessions, lunches, gatherings etc conducted by QTA
Discounted entry fee during major events with international artists
Eligibility to nominate for a QTA office bearer position during the AGM* (Please refer to the Constitution for details)
Endless networking opportunities and community support